Although the offroad/overland community may seem small when compared to some of the other motorsports enthusiast groups, one thing I have learned is that there is enough room for all of us, especially in the world of media creation. You could imagine a world where the producer of a podcast is overly consumed with capturing the attention of the audience in hopes of growing a brand and in this pursuit, make an effort to divert attention away from other media outlets to get it. I assure you, that is NOT the world we live in.
We have had the fortune to meet and talk to a vast array of people in this community. Some of those people are producing podcasts, magazines, YouTube channels, social media pages, and all other types of content that may be viewed as our competition. However, we see them as another way for the consumer to immerse themselves in the things they are passionate about. There are a lot of hours in each day and our 2-hour show, once a week, is not enough to satisfy your hunger for offroad related content, and we know it. We have featured many of these other creators on our show. As an example, Episode 71 featured Rich Klein who has been an offroad icon for years, has been publishing 4Low Magazine, and is now producing a podcast; Conversations with Big Rich.
In the latest issue of 4Low Magazine, Rich and the Team talk about the offroad podcasting genre and guide the readers on where to go and how to get these podcasts in to their ear holes. We were fortunate enough to be included in the article with some other great shows; The Talent Tank, The 4x4 Podcast, and The Modern Jeeper Show.

Not only does the article feature these great shows, but it walks you through the process of finding, subscribing, and listening to this media on your phone or computer. This is something we might take for granted and we forget that there is an entire audience out there that has never listened to a podcast.
The article, which you will have to buy to read at, features The Trailchasers Podcast and briefly highlights why we started the show.

We are very proud to be part of this community and we thank you for allowing us to do what we do week-in and week-out. If you are sitting on an idea and are contemplating whether or not you should start creating something, I would say, "DO IT!" Whether its a podcast, YouTube channel, magazine, blog, or some other form of creative expression, please dive in and go for it. Are there risks? Probably. Will it be difficult? Absolutely. Is it worth it? Most definitely!
As with anything in modern society, there will always be pros and cons, haters and supporters, detractors and promoters. However, the ability to share our passion with the community and connect with so many wonderful people has been a privilege that the three of us could not have imagined in our wildest dreams and we are so lucky to have our listeners join us on this journey.
Thank you to Rich, the 4Low Team, the offroad community, and above all, those of you that listen to our shenanigans every single week.
P.S.: I really like the mountains on that microphone :)